Brief Self Introduction

Guess this is my Hashnode “Hello world” haha

Brief Self Introduction

Hi everyone ^ ^

My name is Alamin, and I started my Web3 and Blockchain development journey a couple months ago and it’s been very insightful and intriguing. I will be sharing my journey and knowledge here too.

While having prior knowledge and experience with developing on React and Vanilla Javascript, I acknowledge I still have a lot to learn and looking forward to it.

Finding resources for a fairly new technology like web3 can be quite daunting and exhausting, but finding the right one will go a long way. I have developed a fair amount of technology on the Blockchain and looking to learn now.

I am always open to learning, and i recognize the best way to learn is by doing and working on real projects so I would really appreciate any opportunities to learn, earn and work on the Blockchain.

Great to be here and looking forward to connecting with others.

Let’s connect :) 👇🏽

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